Color & opacity

Change Droptop Four colors

To personalize your Droptop Four bar you can change its colors and opacity of every component. Just head to Droptop settings >> Color & opacity and start changing the colors to the ones you like.

In every color setting you'll find 3 sliders to adjust the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values and one slider to adjust the opacity of the color you chose.

If you want to reset the colors, just press the Reset button at the end of the menu.

Top bar background

This color is the background of the bar.

Top bar text

The color of all the text on the top bar.

The color of the background of every dropdown element (options, app, dialog) that isn't the top bar.

The color of the text of every dropdown element (options, app, dialog) that isn't the top bar text.

Top bar highlight

The background color of every highlighted element on the top bar.

Top bar highlight text

The text color of every highlighted element on the top bar.

The background color of every highlighted element in any dropdown element (options, app, dialog) that isn't on the top bar.

The textcolor of every highlighted element in any dropdown element (options, app, dialog) that isn't on the top bar.

Last updated